PowerAMP Sports Nutrition Tips for Reducing Cravings

You tell yourself that, with commitment, you’ll be able to stick to your diet to finally become the runner you've always wanted.
But it feels like no matter what you do, you get these uncontrollable cravings that seemingly take over your body. We all know what it feels like to have a craving for something impossible to satisfy. You have thought of a cookie at 11 am and then can't stop thinking about cookies for the rest of the day, no matter how hard you try. Cookies can be very addictive and difficult to stop eating.
Here are PowerAMP Sports Nutrition Tips for Reducing Cravings:
  • 1. Eat a wholesome, whole-foods diet. As you lose your sugar addiction and start to appreciate natural sweetness, you may enjoy carrots and other root vegetables more.
  • 2. A 200 mcg Chromium supplement can help improve your body's ability to metabolize sugars, improve insulin uptake, and reduce the cravings that lead to bloating. Since this mineral is found in so many different foods, it's a good idea to supplement with a multivitamin or eat a varied diet that includes seafood, whole grains, vegetables and herbs.
  • 3. Cinnamon has many benefits shown in studies to reduce inflammation, provide antioxidant support and lower cholesterol. To spice up your food, you might think about adding some concentrated cinnamon. It's readily available and can be added to meals or snacks – try just a dash of it first and gradually increase the amount if you're happy with the taste.
  • 4. Beneficial fats and oils help improve satiety, lessen the urge to eat more and make it easier to stick to your diet. All oils were best when cold pressed and unrefined. If possible, store them in a nonplastic container to avoid any risk of contamination. To reduce inflammation, boost your intake of omega-three oils such as Almond butter is healthy, filling and offers a complex flavour profile. Mix it with some fruits or take a spoonful straight from the jar.
  • 5. Wean yourself from sugar and find healthy ways to occupy your time. Make it count today. Give someone a call, go to yoga, brush your teeth, or throw snowballs. Let's make every minute worth it!
  • 6. Drink plenty of fluids and try herbal teas too. Licorice root teas can give you a sweet taste and support a healthy gut.
  • 7. To stay at your best, get some decent, restful sleep. It's one of the most important things for staying healthy and focused.
  • 8. If you still crave a sweet sensation, you can find it in hot cocoa or (chia/avocado) pudding. Use stevia instead of sugar. Stevia leaves are lovely and don't contain any calories. They're also not harmful to your blood sugar levels. Ground whole leaf Stevia is usually found in natural food stores. However, you can also find it through distributors online. They come in a more fine powdered form and are usually crystallized, making them easy to use!
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